What is the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation?

The Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation is recognized worldwide as a top credential for wealth management. It ensures that financial professionals have the unique knowledge and skills to address the complex needs of high-net-worth clients.

Co-granted by CSI and the Association of International Wealth Management (AIWM), the CIWM has international recognition and portability—creating career opportunities for you anywhere in the world.

Learn more about the changing wealth management industry through our Whitepaper: Digital, Holistic and Responsive: Refitting Advice Value Proposition for the Change of Guard in Canada’s Wealth.

What is the CIWM Competency Profile?

The CIWM Professional Competency Profile provides an overview of the responsibilities, skills, and knowledge unique to someone with the CIWM designation. It is the foundational document for the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation that describes the required competencies (i.e., the knowledge, skills and abilities) of professionals awarded the designation. 

The Competency Profile is the defining resource for what a wealth manager can and should do in practice. It is used to set the requirements for the pre-requisite education programs, the work experience component, the CIWM Certification Examination and continuing education requirements.

As the CIWM designation continues to progress to meet clients’ changing needs, employers, and most recently, regulators, CSI revises the Competency Profile every 5 years through an extensive consultative process involving various stakeholders.

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What is the Association of International Wealth Management (AIWM)?

The Association of International Wealth Management (AIWM) is a professional association for wealth managers worldwide. A not-for-profit based in Switzerland, the AIWM promotes and strengthens global education in private banking and wealth management. It was established to:

  • Identify and address the needs of high-net-worth clients.
  • Respond to the growing demand for sophisticated products and professional client service.
  • Navigate the increasing regulation and general complexities of global financial markets. 

With the launch of the CIWM designation in 2004, the AIWM has set a globally recognized standard for wealth management professionals. It co-grants the CIWM in North America through a partnership with CSI, allowing professionals to build global careers.

What are CIWM holders saying?

Tiffany Harding
James Campbell
Kevin Gebert
What the experts have to say about the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation
What the experts have to say about the Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM) designation

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