
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”

                –Quote attributed to Sir Isaac Newton after the South Sea Company stock bubble burst in 1720.

Sir Isaac Newton made important scientific contributions to many fields. Investing was not one of them. He is thought to have lost a substantial amount of money in the South Sea Bubble of 1720. Why? He followed the exuberance of the crowds.

Fast forward to the 21st century, where economic realities have presented financial advisors with new challenges. In today’s environment of rapid technological and regulatory changes, understanding financial psychology is more important than ever.

To help advisors navigate the complexities of the investing landscape, CSI has collaborated with Behave Technologies, a leading behavioural finance technology firm, to create this course. The course will introduce you to Behave Technologies’s behavioural assessment tool, which will allow you to put behavioural finance into practice. You will also learn the methods of behavioural coaching to help your clients make better decisions and enhance your reputation as a skilled and empathetic advisor.

Who should enrol?

Financial services professionals, including those in the following roles, who want to understand and apply behavioural finance concepts in their practice while earning CE professional development credits:

  • Financial advisors
  • Mutual fund dealing representatives
  • Investment advisors
  • Financial planners
  • Wealth managers