
The Derivatives Fundamentals Course (DFC®) introduces you to the complex world of forwards, futures, swaps and options. Learn about the derivatives market from both a risk management and a trading perspective and jumpstart your career in this exciting market. Completing this course will enable you to:

  • Earn your Futures and/or Options License: The DFC® plus the Options Licensing Course and/or the Futures Licensing Course satisfies a major proficiency requirement to become licensed to sell exchange-traded options and futures. You may also take the Derivatives Fundamentals and Options Licensing (DFOL) course as a substitute for completing the DFC and OLC to gain your options license.
  • Qualify to sell Managed Futures Funds (Commodity Pools): The DFC® fulfills the provincial securities commissions proficiency requirements for mutual funds representatives interested in selling Managed Future Funds.
  • Register as a Commodity Trading Advisor or Commodity Counsel or a Commodity Trading Manager: Contract for Differences can be sold to investors in Canada. To do so you must be employed by a CIRO dealer member and successfully complete the FLC and DFC courses as well as hold a license as a Registered Representative.

What skills will you develop?

The DFC® provides a general understanding of derivatives, such as forwards, futures, swaps and options, and their use by investors and corporations.

Who should enrol?

Enrol in the DFC® if you’re:

  • Interested in obtaining a license to sell derivatives
  • Seeking general derivatives knowledge
  • Working towards your Certificate in Derivatives Market Strategies

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