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Wednesday Oct 25, 2023 | 12:00 pm EST

Financial services professionals are constantly on the lookout for valuable insights to navigate the transformative macro-changes shaping the industry.

What is the role of compliance as these advancements take place? How will institutions adapt to meet the needs of an evolving demographic, and how will financial planning change with this ongoing transformation?

Hear from prominent industry leaders Carissa Lucreziano, Vice President, Financial and Investment Advice, CIBC, Goshka Folda, President and CEO, Investor Economics and Global Head of Research, ISS Market Intelligence, and Sean Shore, Securities, Compliance and Regulatory Counsel at Canadian Compliance & Regulatory Law for an engaging discussion on the evolution of financial planning and its impact on client relationships.

Our free webinar, ‘Comprehensive Financial Planning: How Client Relationships are Changing,’ takes place on October 25, 2023, from 12 to 1 PM EST.

Goshka Folda

President and CEO of Investor Economics and Global Head of Research at ISS Market intelligence

Carissa Lucreziano

Vice President Financial and Investment Advice, CIBC

Sean Shore

Securities, Compliance and Regulatory Counsel at Canadian Compliance & Regulatory Law